Get Discounted 4G Services & Equipment

Hundreds of EBS licensees in the U.S. collectively covering nearly every part of the country have entered into long term spectrum capacity leases with Sprint and other operators, which include terms granting these EBS licensees wireless capacity, equipment and 4G wireless services, to be used to serve their respective educational and non-profit missions in the local community. Much of this committed capacity and services is unused and tens of millions of dollars in deeply discounted annual services and equipment may be available to interested local and regional educational and nonprofit constituents. will match up interested and qualified educational and nonprofit parties with EBS license holders with whom we work in these local markets to obtain discounted 4G wireless services and equipment, including smartphones, mobile hotspots, tablets, desktop modems, and USB and data cards. Certain available devices can replace or supplement/backup your organization's current wireline broadband connection.

To identify whether these discounted services are available in (and around) your city, simply click on the dropdown menu below.  Once we receive your information we will match your organization with an appropriate discounted EBS service provider covering your market area and contact you shortly to initiate available services. In many cases, the discounts available for these services are substantially greater than can be obtained through the Federal E-Rate program.

EBS license holders interested in offering available 4G wireless services and equipment to educational institutions and nonprofits on a discounted basis may also complete the applicable registration form so we can match you up with interested users of your services.

About Us is an organization founded to help educate and provide detailed information to members of the public, telecommunications industry and educational community about the utility, value, benefits and availability of Educational Broadband Services (EBS) spectrum licensed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

  • 317 Massachusetts Avenue NE
  • Suite 300
  • Washington, DC 20002

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